Float Life Gold Coast



The first time I heard of Floatation Therapy was when a client recommended it as a way for her to manage her own stress levels. I wanted to try it as i have a tendency to overthink, struggle to maintain self care and feeling vicarious trauma from taking on client stress and worry on a daily basis.

Initially, I thought I wouldn’t be able to shut down an over-active mind and the tank might feel closed in and claustrophobic. However, leaving the pod door open a little until my confidence was built up alleviated that issue and i had to train my mind to take the float time for my own self care.

As a result of floating I now feel more calm, destressed, grounded and increased mental clarity. I have found these positive effects last for up to a week. It is both my personal and professional feeling that floatation therapy ought to be bulk billed approved as a viable therapy for anxiety, stress and burnout. 

My introduction & benefit to floating came from a give voucher from my daughter @ City Cave Mermaid Beach where I was living at the time. When I moved to Biggera Waters I googled & found float. Life. 

My benefit comes from the relaxing in the magnesium salts being absorbed through the skin , a couple of skin issues have gone away , I was dealing with some aches & pains and not sleeping well. Float. Life gives me some downtime; relieves aches & I sleep better. My 1 hour per week in the float tank revitalises my body. 

I’m all for supporting any changes to Govt assistance.  I do believe a lot more people could benefit from floating easing muscular issues , arthritis , skin ailments.

Thanks Bruce 

My mother suffers with Fibromyalgia, diagnosed in her 40’s, she is now 74.  All she has known is medicated pain relief so I started to research natural methods to relieve  her pain and discovered www.floatlifegoldcoast.com.au on Google.


After her 1st few sessions she noticed that she didn’t require her medicated pain relief as often so for her that was everything.  She wasn’t waking with pain during the night, she started walked 4km per week around the block at home,  the strength of her medication dropped and it was so lovely to see her smile back. 


As a mother of 5 children I struggled with Postnatal Depression for 15yrs.  Whilst Doctor prescribed continuous medication as the solution, the complete existence of my being was no longer visible, I was all but an empty shell, emotionally, physically and mentally.  


I decided to “float” whilst my mother had her session and the benefits for me were life changing.  I slept longer, I felt less anxious and more grounded.  I implemented changes in my diet and added yoga to my “float” routine and have never felt more “ME” in many years.  The day my youngest son said “mummy, you’re happy” not only made me cry but reinforced the changes I had made, were not only beneficial for me, but my entire family. 


I look forward to continuing my “Float Life Gold Coast” journey. 



Kindest regards 

Jacqui Raroa 

I would be delighted to provide a testimonial for you regarding float therapy. 

I can’t recall where I heard of floating, but it was over 30 years ago in Brisbane and at the time I was suffering from PTSD, Anxiety and Depression. 

The only reservations I recall were about being in a safe environment (lockable room) and not getting very salty water in my eyes. 

I had total sensory deprivation on my first session, and fell asleep. I was informed that sleeping in a float session was like receiving 8 hours of sleep. Afterwards I felt I was walking on a cloud. I was so calm, happy and relaxed and the feeling lasted for days.  I had a series of floats, and throughout the years, when funds have allowed it, I have often used float therapy to relieve stress, and to combat physical and emotional exhaustion. 

I have multiple chronic health issues including hypertension, heart problems and dermatitis, and absorbing magnesium via our bodies largest organ is very beneficial for all of these illnesses. 

I am currently receiving trauma counselling and have committed to having a float session after my psychological session, to ensure I clear my mind and don’t dwell on issues raised. I have found this strategy hugely beneficial. 

I am currently going through the process of applying for NDIS, and hope to have regular float therapy as one of treatments. 

Although I know how much my body and mind needs regular float therapy, the cost is prohibitive for my financial situation, and making this treatment accessible via a GP referral, Medicare rebates and other such programs would allow more people to experience the multiple benefits of floating. 

I hope this helps guys. Best of luck – see you soon – Lara 

Thank you for reaching out. I’m happy to provide the following testimonial. 

I first heard of floatation therapy from yoga classmates who recommended it as an additional ‘alternative’ way to relax and calm my mind. 

My initial purpose was to help with insomnia and overthinking.  I have to admit I was very skeptical at first with a fear of dark enclosed places but that was quickly laid to rest as the immersion in the tank and deprivation of sight and sound immediately relaxes the body (and mind).

Since beginning the therapy my sleep has improved and recovery time from exercise (long runs) is far quicker. The mental calmness immediately after the float is remarkable and the clarity of thought and focus is enhanced for days after the experience. It also provides extraordinary relief for my arthritic pain in my upper spine. 

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Dive into serenity! Schedule your float experience with Float Life for ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation.

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